- MFS Testimonials
- Karthik Kanumury
5th grade - Zahva Naeem
7th grade - Charlie Ingram
2nd grade - Suchita Karnati
3rd grade - Chase Donnelly
2nd grade - Julianne Greene
5th grade - Tarun Narayan
4th grade - Argini Lappas
3rd grade - Jake Rebholz
3rd grade - ANIKA Nadikota
1st grade - Anna Daugherty
6th grade - Jack Kayser
3rd grade - Sahi Gokaraju
2nd grade - Kelsey McDermott
6th grade - Lucy Davis
1st grade - Andrew Yazdi
6th grade - Gavin Fenelon
2nd grade - Haseeb Malik
3rd grade - Basil Cosmopoulos
2nd grade - Parent Testimonials
Read What Students & Parents Have to Say About MFS

Click the links to read testimonials from MFS students
Karthik Kanumury – 5th grade – August 2013

Karthik Kanumury, a 5th grader at Claymont Elementary School, is determined to “become stronger in math and solve mental math problems quickly.” Karthik enrolled in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program on June 18, 2013. In just 10 testing sessions, Karthik earned the Bronze Medal and the Silver Medal, and is now well on his way to earning the Gold Medal in the program. Wow! That’s pretty quick Karthik!
Karthik’s likes the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, but he especially enjoys “using mental math and getting stronger with the strategies” from the workbooks. Karthik also believes that taking timed tests is very beneficial. “When I solve the math problems within the expected time duration, then it tells me, I know my concept well. If I don’t solve the math problem within the time period, then it reminds me I don’t know the concept well, and I should practice more.”
Zahva Naeem – 7th grade – July 2013

“What I like about MATH FACT SCHOLARS is that you can move at your own pace and find your strengths and weaknesses,” says Zahva Naeem, Northeast Middle School 7th grader and future pediatrician. Zahva started testing in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program in October 2012. In just 28 testing sessions, Zahva earned the Bronze Medal, Silver Medal, Gold Medal, Platinum Level Trophy and the Olympian Series-Fractions Level Trophy, and is now only 5 tests away from earning the Olympian Series-Decimals Level Trophy. “The only goal I set for myself was to finish the program and learn to enjoy doing math,” shares Zahva. Well Zahva, at this pace, it appears you will be achieving your goal of completing the program in the next few weeks…less than a year from when you first started testing in the program. Extraordinary!
When it comes to the importance of speed and accuracy regarding arithmetic, Zahva understands the significance as it relates to testing in school. “It’s important to be able to recall math facts quickly because you don’t want to be sitting in the middle of a test at school and spend a long time trying to figure out the answer to the simplest of equations,” explains Zahva.
It has been a joy to watch Zahva progress through each level in the program. Every week we are witness to her optimistic attitude, strong work ethic and motivation to succeed. It’s a beautiful thing!
Charlie Ingram – 2nd grade – June 2013

Charlie Ingram started attending the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program as a 1st grader in October, 2012 and is one of the “Kehrs Mill Crew” that carpools together to attend the MATH FACT SCHOLARS testing sessions every Tuesday.
As a 1st grader, Charlie had never taken a timed test before and felt a little anxious during his first few testing sessions. Charlie quickly learned to adapt to the fast-paced timed testing atmosphere. “At first I was a little nervous,” said Charlie, “but now I feel really good about it because I know how fast I need to work to pass a test.”
When we asked Charlie what two things he likes best about going to MATH FACT SCHOLARS on Tuesdays, Charlie said, “I learn lots and I really like passing my tests!” Charlie passes 2 – 3 tests each week and is well on his way to earning the Bronze Medal. Way to go Charlie!
Charlie has learned a lot, and is definitely wise beyond his years. When we asked him, “Why do you think people should be able to quickly figure out addition and subtraction (and multiplication & division) problems, like 5 + 6, 20 – 11, 5 x 8 or 12/4, etc., in their head?” Charlie responded, “Because math is everywhere and you can’t always count on your fingers.” This wisdom has helped inspire Charlie to practice math regularly so he can improve his quick recall of math facts.
What do you want to be when you grow up? “I want to be a police officer because I want to drive my own police car.” Charlie Ingram
Michelle Ingram, Charlie’s mother, says this about the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, “MATH FACT SCHOLARS has made a huge difference in Charlie’s recollection of basic math skills! Not only are we thrilled with his mathematical success, but everything about the program has had a positive effect on him — the awesome strategies in the workbooks, cheering on peers as they receive medals and trophies, receiving Smarties at the end of a session for a job well done, teaching time management skills – all of these contribute to Charlie’s educational success. When he is stuck on a level for a few weeks and then tells us that he not only passed that level, but 2 more in ONE session…that tells us that we’ve found the right program for him! We can’t wait for our daughter to start MFS too!”
Suchita Karnati – 3rd grade – April 2013

“There are a lot of things that I love about MATH FACT SCHOLARS,” says Suchita Karnati, a 3rd grader at Campbell Montessori School. “In MATH FACT SCHOLARS, everybody is a winner. MATH FACT SCHOLARS really helps kids become smart and it is lots of fun. Taking the tests in MATH FACT SCHOLARS boosted up my confidence in taking other math timed tests,” added Suchita.
Suchita started the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program on August 30, 2011, when she was just starting 2nd grade. Since that time, Suchita has successfully completed the testing requirements for the Bronze Medal Level, Silver Medal Level, Gold Medal Level, Platinum Level, Olympian Series – Fractions Level and the Olympian Series – Decimals Level. “I am very eager to finish the percent levels and complete the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program. I also can’t wait for the time my younger sister starts taking MATH FACT SCHOLARS tests, so I can grade her tests,” declared Suchita.
Students that complete all levels in the program are eligible to become a MATH FACT SCHOLARS Ambassador. MFS Ambassadors volunteer during testing sessions to grade other students’ tests and are held in high regard by their peers for completing all 180 timed tests in the program with a 95%-100% accuracy rate. This is a position and title that many of the MFS students look upon as the ultimate reward for their hard work in completing the program. Suchita will likely complete the final level in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, the Olympian Series – Percents Level, during the summer testing sessions held at Whitfield School. Good luck Suchita, we are cheering you on to victory!
Becoming a MATH FACT SCHOLARS Ambassador requires students to be kindhearted and encouraging while grading tests. When we asked Suchita, “What advice would you give to a student that does not feel confident in their math abilities?” she replied, “I would tell them to try your best and do not give up. Apply strategies to make math fun and easy.” Suchita, we have no doubt that you will become a beloved MFS Ambassador and will have lots of students lining up so you can grade their tests.
Suchita is considering two careers for the future. “I love art and I am very interested in becoming a Graphics Designer. As much as I would love to be a graphics designer, I also love the profession of a doctor serving sick people. I need to decide between becoming a graphics designer or a doctor. Whatever Suchita decides, we are confident she will be a great success!
Sai Chaganti, Suchita’s mother, says this about the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, “We are very glad to know about this MATH FACT SCHOLARS program through one of our friends. We sincerely thank Diana for coming up with this program and helping so many students. We really feel this is a great program as every kid is a winner and this MATH FACT SCHOLARS program will only boost up one’s confidence. It makes every kid feel proud of themselves, stepping up the ladder of success. It also gives high school students and other people the opportunity to volunteer and learn the happiness of serving others.”
Chase Donnelly – 2nd grade – February 2013

Chase Donnelly, a 2nd grader at Avery Elementary School, joined the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program in January 2011 when he was in Kindergarten. Chase’s grandparents/guardians, Ed and Pam Donnelly, enrolled him in the program after reading about it in the newspaper. Chase was one of just two kindergarten students to join the program early on. His smiling face and determined nature was always an inspiration to other students and parent volunteers. Chase always comes to MATH FACT SCHOLARS at CBC High School with a goal to pass one or two tests each testing session. When we asked Chase what he likes most about the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, Chase replied, “I like passing the tests!”
Chase’s long-term life goal is to become an “architect or scientist.” He understands that setting goals is important to achieving success in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, too. “I want to earn the Silver Medal and Gold Medal, explains Chase. Chase earned his Bronze Medal when he was in 1st grade and is currently working on earning the Silver Medal. Chase’s grandparents have been instrumental in helping Chase achieve success in the program by making sure he practices math skills regularly during the week. “We are raising Chase, so he thinks of us as Mom and Dad,” explains Grandmother, Pam Donnelly. “We are lucky to have Chase in our lives and want to do what we can to help him be successful and happy throughout his life” she added. Clearly, Chase is lucky too!
Julianne Greene – 5th grade – January 2013

“MATH FACT SCHOLARS helped me get faster at doing skills in math,” says Julianne Greene, a 5th grader at Kehrs Mill Elementary School, who joined the MATH FACT SCHOLARS-Community Math Program on July 24, 2012.
From the very beginning, Julianne made a decision to set both short-term and long-term achievement goals to reach in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program. “My goals each week are to try and finish six tests each session and not mess up on the tests, so I can do really well,” shares Julianne, regarding her weekly goal plan. The ultimate goal, “I want to be close or have finished the whole program before 5th grade ends this year,” she added. To achieve her goals, Julianne embraces the MATH FACT SCHOLARS mantra, “PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!” and makes certain she prepares for the weekly testing sessions. Julianne is well on her way to achieving her ultimate goal in the program. In just 16 testing sessions, she has earned the Bronze Medal, Silver Medal, Gold Medal, and is well on her way to earning the Platinum Level Trophy.
When we asked Julianne, a future professional soccer player and then an orthopedic surgeon, what she likes most about the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, she said, “The thing I like most is taking the tests because it is fun to answer the problems really fast.” This “fun” Julianne is having while taking math tests doesn’t just happen, it is “fun” because she does what successful people do…Julianne prepares for success. Way to go Julianne!
Parent quote from Teresa Greene, Julianne’s mother: “I love watching Julianne get better and quicker at math every week and I really enjoy listening to all of the kids in our carpool talk about being excited when they pass the tests. I think it is a great program and I wish I had known about it with my 2 older kids. I think it is a great program for any child at any level.”
Tarun Narayan – 2012

For Tarun Narayan, who started the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program in October, 2011 as a 4rd grader, successfully passing 6-7 tests during weekly testing sessions did not come to fruition without goals and a plan to reach his goals. Tarun’s skill testing accomplishments can be attributed to his plan to consistently practice math skills during the week and by arriving at the weekly testing sessions with pre-determined test passing goals, a relentless drive to excel and an extraordinarily positive attitude. With this approach, Tarun set a new MATH FACT SCHOLARS World Record for completing the first 4 levels in the program in just 15 testing sessions and completed the final level of the program on November 6, 2012, a little over a year from when he first started.
During the past year, there were instances in which Tarun encountered some particularly challenging tests in the program and did not reach his personal achievement goals for the week. Situations like this will often result in a decision to quit, for the fear of failure can be overwhelming. This, however, was not the case when Tarun was faced with a challenge. “I wanted to live up to the expectations of the people who inspire me in math – my parents and my brother. I kept thinking of, “Never giving up”, even when things did not go right.” recalls Tarun. Way to go Tarun! Your ability to set goals and follow through to achieve your goals is a valuable life skill that will prove to be very beneficial throughout your life!
When we asked how the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program has helped him, Tarun said, “MATH FACT SCHOLARS helped me with my math work at school and it also helped me work out the problems faster.” Overall, Tarun enjoyed the enthusiastic atmosphere of the parents and students at the weekly testing sessions and also liked the motto, “PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!” With regard to his future career plans, Tarun said, “ I want to be either a Scientist, a Marine Biologist or be the President of the USA.”
Argini Lappas – 3rd grade – October 2012

For Argini Lappas, a 3rd grader at Kehrs Mill Elementary School, Tuesday evenings are especially busy with back to back after school commitments. To manage this schedule, Argini must leave the weekly MATH FACT SCHOLARS testing session before it ends so she can get to her next commitment. Astonishingly, this little hurdle has not prevented Argini from achieving her goals in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program. In just 9 testing sessions, Argini has earned the Bronze Medal and the Silver Medal! This is a remarkable achievement considering this 3rd grader had to pass 50 timed tests to earn those medals.
Argini truly enjoys her time at the MATH FACT SCHOLARS testing sessions. “I like the tests and the multiplication.” Says Argini. “I also like seeing my friends.” She added. When asked how MATH FACT SCHOLARS has helped her, Argini replied, “I have learned new strategies for division. It makes it easier when I need to do division.” To be successful in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, and to be good in math, students are advised many times during each weekly session that it takes PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! In other words, you need to be persistent in your efforts to improve your math skills.
Argini knows what it means to be persistent, she says, “Persistence means to keep on trying to do something.” She went on to explain, “For instance, if people own a business like a car company and help make cars, if they do it wrong and they keep on trying to build it, they will find something to build that works, and then they will be able to make money on it.” That’s right Argini, people receive the benefits of their hard work when they choose not to give up. Your understanding of persistence will help you succeed throughout your life.
Argini’s future career plans: “I want to be an anesthesiologist because my daddy is one, and because I can make people feel better.”
Keri Lappas, Argini’s mother, shared this about the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, “I am so happy to have the kids do Math Fact Scholars! They really got motivated to practice once they started passing the tests. Now they are seeing that it isn’t just passing tests, but it is also about learning facts that will help in school and every day.”
Jake Rebholz – 3rd grade – August 2012

In May 2011, Jake Rebholz, was a 1st grader at Holy Infant Catholic School and was very nervous about attending the MATH FACT SCHOLARS Community Math Program at CBC High School.
However, that nervous feeling quickly subsided once Jake passed his first test, and then went on to pass the next six tests in the Bronze Medal level during his first testing session. Remarkably, in just seven, 30 minute testing sessions, Jake passed all the tests in the first level and earned the Bronze Medal. Jake, is now a 3rd grader, over half way through the 4th level in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, and will likely earn the Platinum Trophy in the coming weeks. Not surprisingly, Jake says, “my favorite things about MATH FACT SCHOLARS is learning how numbers work and earning medals and trophies!”
Progressing in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program takes commitment and the ability to persist, especially upon encountering a new challenge. MATH FACT SCHOLARS has helped Jake overcome a few particularly challenging math tests in the program. Jake says, “I have learned to have confidence and break numbers apart to get my answers. I have learned that if I don’t pass a test or I fail, I can stand back up and try again!” Jake went on to share this advice to students that find math challenging, “Keep trying. Keep going. Don’t give up because you need to know math for the rest of your life.”
Kathy Rebholz, Jake’s mother and retired elementary school teacher, said this about the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program, “I will always rave about MATH FACT SCHOLARS! I was thrilled to find MATH FACT SCHOLARS for Jake because all he talked about was numbers. Math is like a sport for him and I needed to find a program that would “feed” his interest. MATH FACT SCHOLARS showed Jake that math is his talent and it has encouraged him to learn more and ask more about numbers. It has brought on family conversations about professions that use math. He talks about what he wants to be when he grows up. Some of the jobs that make the list are a math teacher or an engineer. He says he would like to build rocket ships, airplanes, or even roller coasters. He LOVES money too, so we’ll see!!!!”
Kathy added, “As you know, not all of my children are naturally talented in math. I have another one that needs to work at it a little more. MATH FACT SCHOLARS has helped my children of different abilities in different ways. My natural mathematician has found this rewarding and reassuring that this is his talent. I’m not sure he was convinced before he started. My other child enrolled has found MATH FACT SCHOLARS a little more challenging, but not out of reach for her. It has shown her that if she really, truly practices something that SHE wants for herself, she CAN do it – even if it takes her a little longer (than her brother). It has been a great learning experience for both of my children on so many levels!”
ANIKA Nadikota – 1st grade – June 2012

Definition of Persistence: Continuing steadily despite problems or difficulties.
Persistence is a quality of character that Anika Nadikota has learned to embrace at a very early age. In the last two weeks, 1st grader, Anika made numerous attempts to pass the final exam for the Gold Medal level. For this final exam, Anika was required to complete a mix of multiplication and division problems within a 2 minute time frame with 100% accuracy. At the end of last week’s testing session…Anika did it! “I felt happy that I got the Gold Medal and I’m now going to the Trophy Levels and I am happy that I got a beautiful Barbie doll from my parents for this achievement” said Anika.
Anika has yet to decide whether she will become a ballet teacher or a doctor. However, when we asked her what makes her so determined to succeed, she decisively responded, “I want to be ahead of my class and get all the medals and trophies quickly in MATH FACT SCHOLARS.”
It takes a personal commitment and consistent effort to reach your goals. Anika reports that she takes “2 or 3 practice tests each day” to prepare for the weekly testing sessions. She also takes time to review and practice the strategies in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS workbooks. Her favorite strategies: Doubles +1 and Doubles +2 strategies.
When we asked what do you like best about MATH FACT SCHOLARS? Anika presented a list of the things she likes best about MATH FACT SCHOLARS, including “getting graded and passing tests and playing with friends at the end of the session, too.”
Proud parents, Srinivas and Usha Nadikota, said this about the program, “MATH FACT SCHOLARS is a great program that teaches quick and very good math strategies and also teaches time management, mostly focusing on education. And MATH FACT SCHOLARS is a fun and supportive environment for little kids like our daughter, Anika. We are happy Anika is in this program.”
Anna Daugherty – 6th grade – April 2012

“I think I would like to be a chiropractor and/or a radiologist. I have to go to the chiropractor weekly, and I think the way that my chiropractor knows everything that’s wrong with me just amazes me and I think it’s so cool.” shares Anna Daugherty, a 6th grader at Crestview Middle School.
Anna is an exceptional student, skilled gymnast and talented piano player. She also has set a goal to complete all 7 levels in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program by the end of this summer. With school work and a busy gymnastics schedule, how does she find time for anything else, including practicing for MFS tests each week? “Well, right when I get home, I do all my homework, then I practice my piano, then I practice MFS, and finally, I go to gymnastics” recounts Anna.
Anna knows that the ability to quickly recall math facts is an important life skill. Anna says, “Math is in EVERYTHING so quick recall helps me a lot so I can do math faster, and then that makes everyday skills easier.”
Anna’s mother, Sandy Daugherty, shares this about the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program,
“As a parent, I was looking for some program that would help to make math skills more automatic for Anna and to close the gaps that did not seem to be filled in her “advanced” math classes at school. I have been very impressed with the MFS program and how it has done what I had hoped. At first, Anna was not too “keen” on the idea, but has recently told me several times that the MFS program has certainly helped her in her math skills. She enjoys making her goals and being able to be rewarded with the medals and recognition for her hard work. Thanks MATH FACT SCHOLARS and Coldwell Banker Gundaker/Town & Country office for making this program available for children and families!”
Jack Kayser – 3rd grade – March 2012

MATH FACT SCHOLARS makes me feel smart and intelligent. I feel it has made math easier.” says Jack Kayser, a 3rd grader at Barretts Elementary School. Jack, a future meteoritic scientist (Meteoritic – the science or study of meteorites), joined the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program when he was in 2nd grade. Since joining the program, Jack has earned the Bronze Medal, Silver Medal and Gold Medal. Jack is now diligently preparing for test #17 in the Platinum Level, one of the most challenging tests in the program. After completing all of the testing requirements in the Platinum Level, this 3rd grader will have learned the skills required to mentally add and subtract multi-digit numbers, mentally multiply problems like 5,642 x 7 and process long division problems using the traditional algorithm approach.
According to Jack, his success in the program has been influenced by two key factors, “My mom makes me practice, practice, practice, and I have patience.” That’s right Jack, practice and patience are both important. It takes patience to practice a skill over and over again until you finally get it. It takes patience waiting in line to go into the testing room or waiting in line to get a test graded to see how you performed. And, it takes patience to put in the continued effort, over an extended period of time, in order to achieve your goals. You are intelligent Jack!
Other than developing his math skills, Jack says, “writing numbers neatly, not writing all over the page, keeping control of your emotions and never giving up” are just a few of the other valuable life skills he is cultivating in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program. Yet, there is one life lesson that Jack has learned and underscores as a prerequisite to success…“Hard work always does you good!”
Sahi Gokaraju – 2nd grade – February 2012

“My goal is to get all the trophies!” says Sahi Gokaraju, a 2nd grader at St. Michael School of Clayton. This ambitious and persistent future doctor and artist, is well on her way to achieving her goals. Since joining the MATH FACT SCHOLARS – Community Mathematics Program at CBC High School, Sahi has earned the Bronze Medal, Silver Medal and Gold Medal and is committed to earning the Platinum Level Trophy before she finishes 2nd grade.
When we asked why she liked coming to the weekly testing sessions every Tuesday, Sahi replied, “I can learn how to do math fast in school.” Sahi went on to explain this inner compulsion to succeed, “I want to learn more and be ahead of my class.”
An admirable explanation, indeed!
Sahi has invited several of her friends to join the MATH FACT SCHOLARS – Community Mathematics Program. When asked, “What do you like best about having your friends, Juju Lee, Suchita Karnati and Anika Naditoka, at the weekly testing sessions?” Sahi genuinely responded, “I want them to learn and like math and be ahead of their class. I like to encourage my friends.” She also thinks it’s fun to be with her friends at MFS. She enjoys talking with her friends while waiting in line to go into the testing room, and after testing is over, these friends enjoy talking and skipping through the courtyard at CBC High School as they leave for the evening.
Sahi’s mother, Vinitha Gokaraju, shared her thoughts about MFS, “It is a wonderful opportunity for the community to have this MATH FACT SCHOLARS program. It is so unique; it teaches the students different kinds of skills they need like testing, time management, and competitiveness to achieve the medals and trophies. I am glad that my daughter could be the part of this wonderful MFS program.”
Kelsey McDermott – 6th grade – November 2011

“It’s fun to get to the new levels and I can do better in school!” replied, Kelsey McDermott, when asked, What motivates you to continue to practice each week for the MATH FACT SCHOLARS testing sessions? Kelsey went on to explain, “MATH FACT SCHOLARS helps me get through my math homework faster.”
Kelsey, a 6th grader at Selvidge Middle School, believes the +/- 9’s strategy, that she learned in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS workbooks, is very helpful when making mental math calculations. “When adding 9, it helps me to add 10 and then take away 1. When subtracting 9, it helps me to subtract 10 and add 1,” explains Kelsey, who is still deciding whether she will become a teacher or a veterinarian in the future.
Whatever profession Kelsey chooses, she will be a superstar because she knows that it takes a personal commitment to succeed and Practice! Practice! Practice! to reach your goals.
“Math Facts has helped Kelsey to relax about taking tests and realize that a test isn’t so intimidating after all. Learning math facts has helped Kelsey become more confident with math and helps her get through middle school homework at a faster rate,” says Kelsey’s mother, Sarah McDermott.
Since joining the program in May, 2011, Kelsey has earned the Bronze Medal, Silver Medal, Gold Medal and is half way through the Platinum Level in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program. Way to go Kelsey! Update: Kelsey completed the final level in the program in February 2013. Congratulations!
Lucy Davis – 1st grade – August 2011

“I love MATH FACT SCHOLARS so much because there are some things that are easy and some things that are hard, but if you just practice every day, the hard things become easy,” says Lucy Davis, 2nd
grader at Pierremont Elementary School.
Lucy’s commitment to regular math practice has helped her advance through the first three levels in the program. Truly amazing, especially when you realize that this new 2nd grader completed 80 timed-tests, with a 95% – 100% accuracy rate, in just seventeen, 30-minute testing sessions. Way to go Lucy!
When we asked Lucy, What do you like best about MATH FACT SCHOLARS? She replied, “The thing I love best about MATH FACT SCHOLARS is that math is way too easy for me at school but it’s just right at MATH FACT SCHOLARS.” After thinking about this question a moment longer, Lucy added, “I also really like the graders and my new friend, Toba Sangoseni!”
Mindy Davis, Lucy’s mother, said “I am thrilled with the enrichment Lucy is getting at MATH FACT SCHOLARS. She has always been intensely interested in math, and MATH FACT SCHOLARS gives her the opportunity to develop a strong base of math skills that will benefit her in years to come. Thanks to MATH FACT SCHOLARS, she is doing math several years above her grade level and loving every minute of it!”
Andrew Yazdi – 6th grade – July 2011

Andrew Yazdi plans to become a major league baseball player some day. If he pursues that goal with as much intensity as he pursues academic excellence…we’ll all be seeing more of Andrew Yazdi! Andrew’s
confidence and motivation is apparent when he arrives for the weekly testing sessions…he is intent on passing numerous math tests during the 30 minute testing session. Andrew says, “MATH FACT
SCHOLARS has helped me because it makes me faster at math, which helps me on timed tests.”
There is no question Andrew’s recall of the basic facts is quick…since joining the program in February 2011, he has earned the Bronze Medal, Silver Medal and Gold Medal and is close to earning the Platinum
Level trophy. “A solid understanding of math is important because then you can solve problems. It is important to have good number sense so you can figure out problems in your head and figure out problems
quickly.” says Andrew, as he explains his philosophy regarding the importance of strong mathematic skills.
Andrew and his brother, Jonathon, (4th grade) attend the MATH FACT SCHOLARS testing sessions together. Their mother, Sherry Yazdi, says, “MATH FACT SCHOLARS has helped my sons become
quick with their basic math facts. The program is a fun way for children to compete with themselves and improve their basic strategies. These strategies will help them when they are involved with higher level
math in the future. It is a rewarding program for each child, in their own way and at their own pace.” said Sherry.
Gavin Fenelon – 2nd grade – May 2011

Gavin Fenelon loves math! Gavin, a kindergartner at St. Alban Roe, joined the MATH FACT SCHOLARS Community Math Program in February 2011. Gavin earned his Bronze Medal after just 8 testing sessions. Gavin took 24 addition & subtraction timed tests and the final exam during those 8 testing sessions. Remarkable achievement Gavin! We asked Gavin to explain how the MATH
FACT SCHOLARS Community Math Program has helped him improve his math skills. Gavin replied, “MATH FACT SCHOLARS helps me improve my math skills because it teaches me tricks to help me figure out math problems. I also learn how to take tests every week.” Gavin went on to offer some advice to kids that may be struggling with math. “Math can be easy. If you practice, it
helps you to remember the answers!” declares Gavin.
Gavin’s parents, Chris Fenelon & Patty Bommarito, are proud of Gavin’s new found passion for math and his motivation to advance his skills in the program. Patty said, “Each week after Gavin attends the Math Fact Scholars program on Tuesday night he immediately starts asking how many more days until he can go to math class again. Chris and I have seen tremendous growth in Gavin’s
math skills. He enthusiastically sits at the kitchen table every morning before school and practices his math problems. He is so quick now at answering multiplication problems and he is only in Kindergarten! What a great program for kids!”
Gavin is well on his way to earning the Silver Medal…next week he will be taking the multiplication by 8’s test. Update: As of May 2013, Gavin completed the Olympian Series- Percent Level and became the second, 2nd grader in the world to complete all levels in the program by the end of 2nd grade.
3rd Grader at Mason Ridge Elementary School Sets New MATH FACT SCHOLARS World Record
On October 19, 2011, Haseeb Malik arrived at Mason Ridge Elementary School in Town & Country at 8:00 a.m. prepared to complete the last six tests, in the 7th and final level, of the MATH FACT SCHOLARS math skills testing program. That morning, Haseeb was also prepared to set a new world record for the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program.
Haseeb had already completed the previous six levels in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program in record time. As a 1st grader, Haseeb completed 105 timed tests, covering skills with basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts, plus more advanced timed tests, covering multi-digit computation, including mental multiplication of multi-digits, and long division skills. “Haseeb set the first world record in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program for being the first, 1st grader to earn the Bronze Medal, Silver Medal, Gold Medal and Platinum Level Trophy in just twenty-nine (29), before school, testing sessions at Mason Ridge Elementary School.” reported, Diana L. Dunbar, President & Founder of the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program.
“While in 2nd grade, Haseeb earned the Olympian Series–Fractions Level Trophy and Olympian Series–Decimal Level Trophy, a total of 50 different math skill tests, in just eight (8) testing sessions. In these two levels of the program, students are tested on their skills with adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals. Typically, these math skills are not introduced to students until they are in 5th and 6th grade.” explained, Dunbar.
When the final level in the program was implemented at Mason Ridge Elementary School, in September 2011, Haseeb spent hours practicing for the tests using the MATH FACT SCHOLARS math practice workbook. “My mom helps me practice one hour every day.” declared Haseeb. While each math practice workbook provides four practice tests for each test in the level, Haseeb asked his parents to create more problems for additional practice. During one Saturday, Haseeb’s mother, Balqees Akhtar Malik, reported that Haseeb pleaded with her to continue to time him while he completed practice test, after practice test, after practice test. This went on for four hours!
“With just minutes remaining before the testing session was to end on October 19th, Haseeb completed the final test in the series and earned the Olympian Series-Percent Level trophy. Haseeb set a world record for completing all seven levels in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program in just 41.5 testing sessions! “Most interestingly, if the Olympian Series – Percent level had been implemented during the 2010/2011 school year, Haseeb could have set this world record while he was still in 2nd grade!” said, Mason Ridge-Math Fact Scholars chairperson, Erika Rizer.
“We are proud of our son the way he worked so hard to achieve his goal” said Haseeb’s mother, Balqees Akhtar, and father, Ahmed Malik.
Haseeb, who plans to be a doctor some day, shared his motivation for working so hard to accomplish his goals, “I wanted to earn all the MATH FACT SCHOLARS medals and trophies and break a world record.” Haseeb will now become an ambassador to the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program at Mason Ridge, where he will volunteer as a test grader with the program and grade other student’s tests and help them achieve their math goals too.
When we asked Haseeb what he thought about the program, he said, “MATH FACT SCHOLARS is a good math program to test your brain.”
The “New Kid” in School Finds Way to Fit in as a MATH SCHOLAR!
How does “the new kid” at an elementary school find a way to fit in and make new friends? For Basil Cosmopoulos, setting two world records in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program made him one of the most recognized and respected kids at his new elementary school.
As a first grader, Basil set his ‘first’ world record in April of 2011, by completing the first four skill levels in the program in record time…105 timed tests covering single-digit and multi-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and long division in just 27, 30-minute testing sessions.
Basil, or Baz, as he is known to all his friends, a 2nd grader at Mason Ridge Elementary School in Town & Country, amazed his school mates again by setting a new world record for being the youngest student to complete all 7 skill levels in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program. On May 4, 2012, Basil completed the last of the 180 tests in the weekly math program that time tested his skills with basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, to adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, and working with percentages; calculating discounts, sales tax, gratuity, and much more.
To set this new world record, a desire and commitment to repeatedly practice newly acquired math skills was essential, but little hands had to write quickly too. For the last test in the 7th level of the program, the Olympian Series-Percent Level, Baz had 3 minutes to convert 50 fractions to their decimal and percentage equivalents. With just seconds remaining, he did it and was awarded the 13” Olympian Series – Percent Level trophy in a special ceremony in front of his peers and the parent volunteers that implement the weekly program at Mason Ridge.
Baz earned three medals, four trophies, and now has two MATH FACT SCHOLARS world record certificates hanging on the achievement bulletin board at Mason Ridge, confirming his successful completion of testing requirements for all seven levels in the program. When school starts up again in mid-August, Baz will become an official MATH FACT SCHOLARS Ambassador, where he will volunteer to help grade tests for the other 154 Mason Ridge students enrolled in the program so they can achieve their math achievement goals too!
Below are the excerpts of an interview with Basil and his parents, Michael and Deborah Cosmopoulos: 2nd grader, Basil Cosmopoulos, presented with his MATH FACT SCHOLARS World Record certificate for being the youngest student to complete all 7 levels in the math skills program.
Excerpts from interview with 2nd grader, Basil Cosmopoulos:
What did you like about MATH FACT SCHOLARS when you first started testing in the program in 1st grade?
“It had a lot of math! I liked challenging myself to get more tests done each week.”
At what point did you realize that you had a passion for excelling in mathematics?
“When I got the silver medal. The math came to me easily and I liked it.” (Basil completed the Silver Medal Level, covering multiplication and division facts, during his first few months as a 1st grader.)
At what point did you decide you wanted to set a new MATH FACT SCHOLARS World Record?
“After I earned the Bronze medal, I looked at the MATH FACT SCHOLARS achievement bulletin board and saw that some kids had world records, and I made it my goal to achieve that.”
How much time did you spend practicing in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS workbooks to reach your goals?
“I didn’t practice every day because some days I had lots of other homework, or other things I needed to do. But I think I spent about 1-3 hours a week practicing depending on how hard the next few tests were.”
How do you feel being involved in MATH FACT SCHOLARS has affected your life?
“I learned a lot of math! Also, I learned how to concentrate. I found that I could read, and focus on other things longer during the program.”
Prior to enrolling in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program at Mason Ridge Elementary School, had you ever attended any other math tutoring courses?
“Not even one!”
How have your efforts and successes in MATH FACT SCHOLARS transferred to other areas in your life?
“Well, I am usually a quiet guy and I didn’t know a lot of other kids because I started at Mason Ridge in 1st grade. It felt good to be recognized, and meet other kids in the program.”
Do you have plans to break any other world records?
“Well, it was fun working towards this record, and I must have taken all the Guinness World Books out of the library because I find all of that interesting too. But I would have to find something that I could do. There are a lot of crazy records out there! I wouldn’t want to grow my nails or lift trucks or anything. But if it involves math, I’m in.”
What do you want to be when you grow up?
“A nuclear physicist. I like the technology part of it, making medical equipment, energy solutions, and all that. I have recently gotten interested in robotics too.”
Excerpts from interview with Basil’s parents – Michael Cosmopoulos and Deborah Ruscillo Cosmopoulos:
Why did you have Basil participate in the MATH FACT SCHOLARS before school math testing program when he first enrolled at Mason Ridge as a 1st grader?
“He always was good in math; even in preschool he was working out adding and subtracting problems in his head, and kept asking for more problems to solve.”
When did you notice Basil’s passion for taking the weekly math tests?
“Right away! He would come home and ask to do math while his brother and sister were playing with toys. Another sign, I think it was the third week of testing in Grade 1, Basil had tonsillitis and didn’t go to school, and we remember how much he lamented missing his weekly testing session of MATH FACT SCHOLARS.”
How did the MATH FACT SCHOLARS program benefit Basil?
“We did notice how his concentration improved in all his studies, especially reading. That may in part be because he is maturing (and because he has learned that he likes reading chapter books), but we don’t think that it is a coincidence that the discipline required to study math and learn the material in short increments of time extended to other areas of study as well. We also have noticed an increase in his self-confidence.”